Monday, July 14, 2008


Last night Charlotte and Aaron wanted to sleep in the same room so they could read books together. How could I say no to such a request? I found them like this about an hour later.

Since Charlotte wasn't using her bed, I thought it would be a good night to see how Elsie would do sleeping in a bed instead of a crib since her baby sister is soon going to take it from her. Things didn't go so well there. She got out of bed probably 15 times before she fell asleep at 10pm. She would get creative in trying to get Nick and I to let her stay up. She would try to be sneaky and blend into the background, then when that didn't work she would come out happy and laughing trying to amuse us and make us forget that she was supposed to be in bed. Then would smile and point and want to name every person in every picture on the wall as I walked her back down the hallway to her room.

Then at 5am she woke me up. I tried to get her to fall back asleep in bed with me but after an hour of being kicked and elbowed I gave up and we got out of bed. Now I am exhausted and my other two haven't even woken up yet. I won't be trying this again soon.


Marci said...

It made me laugh picturing Elsie trying to pull all her tricks to stay up :-). The picture of Aaron and Charlotte is sooooo cute!

The Brown Team said...

wow I feel for you with the Elsie night I think Trey does that every night and I can't put him back in the crib or I'm sure I'll have another broken arm. Lindi and Trey wanted to sleep together tonight too. and I'll see how they do. Aaron and Charlotte are truly so cute. I miss you where did you guys go?

life at mono lake said...

this reminds me of when i was little. this is pretty much how some of us ended up sleeping anyway, with someone's arm or leg in the way. you really should enter this one at the fair. i love it.
aunt mona