Friday, February 5, 2010

Have you ever pulled a load out of the dryer to find everything COVERED IN CRAYON?


I just did....

.....and then I panicked. It was a load containg ALL of Aaron's clothes!! (Well at least all of his favorites)

then I went to Google

The first few things I read suggested soaking the clothes in WD-40, but that the smell from that might not go away....

......I started to think it might be hopeless

but then I found a suggestion using products that I felt were safe for my children's clothing

so I tried it......................................and it WORKED!!!

Every single spot of red came off

So, if you are a mother of small children, I suggest you write this down

2 max amounts of Tide
1 cup Oxiclean
1/2 cup 20 mule team Borax (I didn't have any but it worked without it)
1 cup Shout liquid
1 cup white vinegar

I used hot water and let it soak for about 2 hours, then ran it through 2 wash cycles just to make sure they were rinsed well.

I also check pockets a little more closely now

You can thank me later


Erica said...

I believe I will be thanking you later. This has already happened. Next time, I'm using your recipe!

Brittany said...

Nice find, I'm sure I'll be using it one day!

Anonymous said...

Is that tiny red smudge the best you can do? The fun times have only just begun.
Just wait until you find a Mr. Sketch marker exploded in the microwave, a hole the size of a bowling ball in the family room, or your living room window shattered by a slingshot made from rubber bands!
Can't wait to see more as they grow up.
Aunt Renee