Saturday, November 12, 2011

Kitchen Counters!!!

For our counters we decided on IKEA's solid oak chopping block, and I love love love them. We also (after buying a sink that was too big and having to ship it back) decided to go with their single basin apron front sink. Shipping costs were outrageous, so we ended up driving to pick them up ourselves. Unfortunately we had to go to two different stores to get everything we needed. So, we got a baby-sitter, took all the seats out of the van, and road-tripped all over the bay area.


The next day, the boys got busy measuring, sawing and gluing.




Here are a couple of before shots of the 30+ year old Formica before we (they) broke it up and ripped it out.



Nick and my dad constructed a "seamless" counter top for me and it looks amazing!!


I was however, forced to wash the dishes in the bathtub. Not my most favorite thing ever.




Jessica Havican said...

oooh I like that style counter top! Good choice!

Chrissy said...

Your kitchen looks awesome!! And I've been there.. I had to wash our dishes in the bathtub when we remodeled too!

Marci said...

I seriously fell in love with those EXACT counters when we went to IKEA over Christmas break. They look amazing! And good for you washing dishes in the tub...I would have just said we are eating out :-)!

michele cabiness said...

Thanks everyone... and Marci, we did eat out quite a bit. If you notice those are mostly just bowls from eating cereal!!