Thursday, July 31, 2008

My Silly Boy

Some of you may already know this but my husband is a big baby when it comes to certain jobs around the house, for example anything that happens in the kitchen. He won't even get himself cookies and a glass of milk! Sometimes when we have company over he will try to help out, but since he doesn't know what to do or where anything belongs he ends up walking around in circles and getting in my way. I always send him out. One of his favorite pastimes it to ask for a glass of water the second I climb into bed (although he does put this on hold while I am pregnant, thank goodness) The other night I was sitting in the living room when I heard him calling from our bedroom. He had put lotion on his feet while sitting on our bed and wanted to get up, but didn't want the lotion to rub off on the carpet. He needed socks. Shaking my head at him I hand him a pair, only for him to hand them back. Apparently he needed my to put them on for him too.

The man who can take apart a carburetor (and put it back together), stop ceiling fans from shaking, paint a house on the hottest day of the year (115 if I remember correctly) and fly an airplane, can't put on his own socks.

I guess I really don't mind when I think about. He opens doors for me, always gives up his chair for me, and is more concerned about my comfort than his own. He puts up with me refusing to take out the trash and I have no intentions of learning how to use a lawn mower. I guess it's a fair trade!

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Oakland Zoo

The kids and I visited all of their Grandparents up in Livermore last week and while we were there we visited the Oakland Zoo (which is way cooler than the Fresno Zoo). Sorry about the mass amount of pictures. There were a ton more that I left out.

Monday, July 28, 2008

For your viewing pleasure

Dancing kids!
(Don't worry, Elsie was just fine)

How to Eat Noodles

just be sure to hold on to your fork!

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Rootbeer floats

Last week my Mom and Aunt Theresa and Aunt Renee from San Diego suprised us with a visit and some yummy dessert.

Aarons sideways photography continues, but if he had taken it a little more level it would have been a good one of all of us.

Monday, July 14, 2008


Last night Charlotte and Aaron wanted to sleep in the same room so they could read books together. How could I say no to such a request? I found them like this about an hour later.

Since Charlotte wasn't using her bed, I thought it would be a good night to see how Elsie would do sleeping in a bed instead of a crib since her baby sister is soon going to take it from her. Things didn't go so well there. She got out of bed probably 15 times before she fell asleep at 10pm. She would get creative in trying to get Nick and I to let her stay up. She would try to be sneaky and blend into the background, then when that didn't work she would come out happy and laughing trying to amuse us and make us forget that she was supposed to be in bed. Then would smile and point and want to name every person in every picture on the wall as I walked her back down the hallway to her room.

Then at 5am she woke me up. I tried to get her to fall back asleep in bed with me but after an hour of being kicked and elbowed I gave up and we got out of bed. Now I am exhausted and my other two haven't even woken up yet. I won't be trying this again soon.

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Hat Creek Day 6 & 7

The next morning, which also happened to be the 4th of July, Nick had much better luck. He caught two fish in about 15 minutes!!

Nick wanted me to point out that this is a picture of the smaller of the two. I didn't see it, but he claims that the larger fish took three people to reel out of the water, then four people to carry it back to camp, then seven frying pans to cook it. The claims didn't stop there but I will. Either way, it was tasty!

Then we were off to see the local 4th of July festivities! But, they had decided to celebrate on the 5th. So we went to this antique store/junk yard for a while.

then back to camp to try to finish the puzzle before the last day.

Hannah was sweet enough to let Charlotte paint her fingernails. I think a few of the girls let Charlotte paint their nails because a little while later Hannah and Elena drove back to town to buy nail polish remover! Thanks for letting Charlotte have so much fun girls!!

The next day we got to watch the parade before we went home.

It was cute and very small.

This is everybody (minus my sisters)

Nick, wondering how he is going to get all of this back into our van.

After we finally got packed we drove back through town to eat pizza for dinner, then started the long drive back. No one was excited to go home, not even Desi without her cell phone reception! We are all looking forward to going again in two years!!

Friday, July 11, 2008

Hat Creek Day 4 & 5

On day four all of the teenagers went to Lake Siskayu (not sure on the spelling) but we decided to take the kids to an underground cave formed by lava about 2000 years ago. Aaron was highly anticipating this trip.

This picture is funny, Nick and Elsie look so scared.

Charlotte however was very scared in the cave, she was convinced that bats were going to get her. (She just told me that the next time we go to the cave she wants to stay with her Grandma.)The ground was very bumpy, I had to use all of my effort to keep myself from falling down while holding onto Charlotte, so I didn't get many pictures.


Elsie trying to sneak some of daddy's root beer!

some brother-sister bonding time

Aaron finally got to fish with his dad, but it was the wrong time of day and they saw lots of fish, but none would bite. Aaron lasted a lot longer than I thought he would but eventually he did get bored and left to go play.