Thursday, July 31, 2008

My Silly Boy

Some of you may already know this but my husband is a big baby when it comes to certain jobs around the house, for example anything that happens in the kitchen. He won't even get himself cookies and a glass of milk! Sometimes when we have company over he will try to help out, but since he doesn't know what to do or where anything belongs he ends up walking around in circles and getting in my way. I always send him out. One of his favorite pastimes it to ask for a glass of water the second I climb into bed (although he does put this on hold while I am pregnant, thank goodness) The other night I was sitting in the living room when I heard him calling from our bedroom. He had put lotion on his feet while sitting on our bed and wanted to get up, but didn't want the lotion to rub off on the carpet. He needed socks. Shaking my head at him I hand him a pair, only for him to hand them back. Apparently he needed my to put them on for him too.

The man who can take apart a carburetor (and put it back together), stop ceiling fans from shaking, paint a house on the hottest day of the year (115 if I remember correctly) and fly an airplane, can't put on his own socks.

I guess I really don't mind when I think about. He opens doors for me, always gives up his chair for me, and is more concerned about my comfort than his own. He puts up with me refusing to take out the trash and I have no intentions of learning how to use a lawn mower. I guess it's a fair trade!


life at mono lake said...

this is the most beautiful post. i love it. i have the same little boy and i wouldnt trade him in for a million dollars! oh Michele, you life sounds so rich and wonderful. I just read this post to paul and he said that it sounded just like him.
aint love grand.
aunt mona

Brittany said...

yeah my "little boy" is very similar, can easily do the hard stuff around the house but would rather not touch rooms like the kitchen or laundry room. These are rooms where I have specific places for things and routines and ways I carry out the tasks in those rooms which he does not want to disturb. But if there is ever a day where he doesn't get up before me he will make the bed, and he does that just right :)