Friday, July 11, 2008

Hat Creek Day 4 & 5

On day four all of the teenagers went to Lake Siskayu (not sure on the spelling) but we decided to take the kids to an underground cave formed by lava about 2000 years ago. Aaron was highly anticipating this trip.

This picture is funny, Nick and Elsie look so scared.

Charlotte however was very scared in the cave, she was convinced that bats were going to get her. (She just told me that the next time we go to the cave she wants to stay with her Grandma.)The ground was very bumpy, I had to use all of my effort to keep myself from falling down while holding onto Charlotte, so I didn't get many pictures.


Elsie trying to sneak some of daddy's root beer!

some brother-sister bonding time

Aaron finally got to fish with his dad, but it was the wrong time of day and they saw lots of fish, but none would bite. Aaron lasted a lot longer than I thought he would but eventually he did get bored and left to go play.


Marci said...

Those last pictures of Aaron with Elsie and Nick are sooo adorable!