Sunday, April 4, 2010

Our Easter

We spent the majority of the weekend listening to General Conference. I have never enjoyed a conference more than I did this one. The time seemed to fly and I was disappointed when each session was over. I could have listened all day.

On Saturday in between sessions we did yard work. Nick was working on the tree stumps out front, digging up the roots so that we can plant new trees, while I was planting tomatoes and cantaloupe in the back. I also mowed the grass for the first time in my life! It was much easier than I thought.

On Sunday we had a nice calm morning watching conference, then after it was over family came over for dinner. With my camera away, I only felt inspired to pick up the old camera for the Easter egg hunt.


Because we weren't actually going to church on Sunday I just made skirts for the girls this year. They were fun, simple and I liked how they turned out. I made headbands with the scraps.











Charlotte definitely found more eggs than anyone else. Aaron had a better sense of letting the little girls find the obvious ones, Lila just wanted to eat all the candy she found and Elsie just wasn't as fast as Charlotte.



Then of course the Easter Bunny came!


Charlotte wasn't scared this year, which was a first


but Lila wasn't fond of her, and Elsie was too busy digging her claws onto my arms and screaming each time I took a step closer to the poor bunny, to pose for a picture.


It was another great holiday with family and good food.


Marci said...

Oh, I LOVE Lila and the bunny...her little sad face :-)! The skirts are so cute - love the fabric and REALLY love the headbands! I can't believe you still don't have your camera. I hope you get it back sooN!

Diane said...

I have to agree with Lila and Elsie...costumed characters give me the creeps (even that cute bunny). love the dresses and headbands!

Brittany said...

I love their skirts! Good for you for trying out lawn mowing. It really isn't that hard and I actually kind of enjoy it, with the smell and the instant difference it makes to your yard.

Marci said...

We did get a new camera. I didn't blog about it because a friend who is a photographer had someone that started following her blog break into her house and steal all her equipment...scary! We got the Canon 7D and we're still learning it. Mike and I both love it and are shooting in all manual, but still have MUCH to learn :-)! We got a zoom lense and a 35mm that we use most of the time.

Jessica Havican said...

Wow the Easter bunny pays your family a special visit? That's neat! I love the skirts and hair accessories you made. You are very talented! I would totally pay you to make clothes for my little one.

Marci said...

Hey Michelle, The playground is nice in that regard. There is the "rock wall" (which is actually quite a bit easier than most rock walls on playgrounds, but still harder than a ladder) and a rope ladder to get to the top. We got it at Toys R Us for $500, which I thought was a good deal. In our weekly ad this past week they had a very similar one for only $350 though and it had monkey bars, which Ella would die for :-). They also have a lay-way program which is nice.