Saturday, May 21, 2011

My Kitchen

My kitchen isn't a horrible size, of course I would like bigger, but overall it works nicely for me. However, it is very ugly. Our house was built 52 years ago and surprisingly, ours is more up to date than some of our neighbors. It looks like ours was remodeled about 30 years ago when they added on the new master bedroom and bath, and tore down a wall making our living room a decent size.

We are very slowly trying to update the place. Up until this point nothing had been done to the kitchen. One day we had a service guy out looking at our oven because the self cleaning function wasn't working. (I can certainly clean the oven myself, but we still had a home warranty, so why not use it?) While he was here he asked me if I wanted him to fix the oven or just give us a check for the amount they would have spent and we could use that toward a new oven. A new oven wasn't in our budget, so I told him to just fix it.

Well, I got on craig's list, just out of curiosity, and I found someone selling their matching dishwasher, cook-top, microwave, and double oven for $500. They were upgrading to stainless steel appliances. If I had the choice I would have chosen the stainless steel too, but going from 30 year old appliances to 5 year old appliances sounded pretty good to me!

Not to mention the DOUBLE oven. Being summer and really hot I haven't actually used them both at the same time yet, but come fall and winter... I can hardly wait!

The best part was that after the appliance guy left I realized that my self cleaning function still wasn't working. This time I told him not to fix it, just give us a check. Which he did, bringing our total purchase down to $300!


This is what my kitchen looked like while my dad and Nick were installing the oven. We had an electric cook-top, but the one we bought was gas. We really wanted gas anyway, so we didn't mind, but it did require Nick spending lots of time under the house (not his favorite place in the world)


And here it is in it's new home! They made a new cabinet face for it and it looks perfect. Maybe sometime this year we will get to painting the cabinets! But progress is progress, and for now, I'm happy!



life at mono lake said...

nice! craigs list rules. so stoked you got a new kitchen so quickly. have baking and cooking!

Marci said...

I'm so happy for you! I would love double ovens too!

LaRee said...

Looks great!