Friday, July 20, 2012

A Trip to Aunt Charity's

The Monday after we got back from camp Nick had to go to Florida for 3 weeks for work. (He is finally home now and won't leave again until February!!)

Since Daddy was gone anyway we headed up to visit family and finally see Auntie Charity's new place!

On our way up there we stopped and played with the Bohner's for a few hours. Then we finished our visit with a trip to the mall for some ice cream :)

By the time we got to Charity's we were tired from our long day so the kids cuddled up on the couch with Grandma.

(I feel like the only pictures of me are ones that the kids take)

The next morning Grandma came back and took us to breakfast and then to one of our favorite parks!

Then off to the Jelly Belly factory

The weather was hot enough in the Bay Area for the kids to want to go swimming, but nice enough for me to not want to :)