Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Daddy's Birthday

Nick was gone this year on his birthday. We knew he would be ahead of time so we decided to celebrate early. Since we were already celebrating early, and we already had his presents, we ended up celebrating 6 weeks early :)

Also, I didn't want to try to hide his presents.

It is always fun when I can surprise him with something that he really wants.

He has been talking about wanting a smoker for about a year more and more frequently. So, I did a little bit of research, asked some professional smokers, and picked out a really good one.

We had our usual birthday present hunt and hid all the other presents in the living room. 

Then when he was finished opening those we surprised him with one last present!!

We hid it really hard and didn't give him any clues :) Here the kids are laughing at him because he can't find it!

He finally found it hiding in Aaron's room!!!

And he was super excited

We also gave him an insulated bag full of ribs, brisket, chicken, tri-tip, and salmon.

He wasted no time putting it together.

Happy 34th Birthday Nick!!!