Friday, October 26, 2012

Character Day Parade

I had to really convince Elsie that she should be Pippy instead of a Disney Princess for Character day at school. It took a couple of months. I'm so glad she finally chose to wear it! I love it!! She said she was glad too because there were lots of other princesses, but she was the only Pippy and every where she went she heard people saying "Oh, look! It's Pippy!"

 Lila decided to dress up too to watch the parade :)

As soon as the parade was over we ran over to Aaron's school to help out with his Fall Craft Day! It was the first time I was able to work in his classroom and it was fun to meet the kids in his class. I really like his teacher this year. I was worried  because I loved his teacher last year so much that I might be disappointed, but she is great! I love teachers who communicate well with parents!!