Friday, October 12, 2007

The Fair

Yesterday we went to the Fresno Fair. We all had a really good time. Well maybe not Elsie. I think she would have rather stayed home where she could crawl around, but she wasn't too fussy.

Here she is watching the pig races. It was pretty funny, every time the pigs would run past us she would get really scared.

Charlotte had fun. I don't think she remembered going last year so it was like a new experience for her. I think she liked the cotton candy the best. Though she said her favorite part was a blow up pink killer whale toy that we did not buy.

Aaron was dying to do the bungee chord jump so we gave in and let him try. As you can see he was very excited.........

that is until it actually started. Then he was terrified. But I was proud of him for not crying. When he got off he said it was fun and scary. It didn't ruin his fun though.

Next we were off to the Hypnotist show which Nick volunteered for.....and was successfully hypnotised. Unfortunatly our camera ran out of batteries so I can't post any pictures but it was funny.