Saturday, October 27, 2007

Halloween Party

Our ward had a Halloween Party tonight out on a members property. I didn't get as many pictures as I wish I had but here are some that turned out alright.

There were a few carnival games but the favorite for my kids was the fishing game. They must have done it 15 times each.

They also had a hay ride which looked like fun but I sat out so I could eat! They got to feed the horses which sounded like fun.

We ended the night with a pie eating contest which Nick was convinced to join. I'm really not sure who won but I was happy that he didn't get pie all over the costume I spent so many hours making:) The kids were exhausted by the time we got in the car. We only live about 10 minutes away but all three of them were sleeping when we got home. Charlotte fell asleep with a piece of chocolate in her hand which was a melted gooey mess when we got home!!


Marci said...

I can't believe how big all your kids are! They are sooo cute! I'm glad to know you have a blog too - we'll be able to see what you guys are up to :-) - Happy Halloween!

brainyjaney said...

i love the blog! the kids are so adorable, i love the posts where you mention the silly yet brilliant things they say! my new days off are sunday and monday, let's try to get together soon! happy halloween!