Monday, January 5, 2009

12 weeks??

Why is my baby growing up so quickly? On Friday she will be 12 weeks old.
She is quite the friendly little girl. She smiles most of the time and loves to coo at who ever will give her attention.
I haven't gotten a laugh out of her yet but she has been getting very close!

She has found her thumb, as she hates the pacifier.
( I thought the pacifier was a baby's best friend.)
Nick is determined that she will not be a thumb sucker
but I sure do find her thumb in her mouth quite a bit.

(the above picture was taken with our old camera, what a difference huh? )

This one, wishing she were still little too.
Here she is with Lila's nuk (as it is called in our house) and blankee and in her car seat as well.


Boydston Family said...

what a cute baby!!! Elsies eyes look so amazing in that bottom pic. What a great shot. What kind of camera did you guys get???

Erica said...

Lovely little lady. Eva hated the pacifier too. Although, I think she used me as a pacifier. Keep smiling Lila!

haley said...

Thank you so much for your comment on my blog. I'm going to add you on our blog list as soon as my computer will let me. It's having issues! Isn't it funny how the older child reverts to old habits when the baby comes?

Brittany said...

wow she's growing so fast! Your new camera is much better too.