Saturday, January 3, 2009

Party time

We had a really small and simple party for Miss Elsie on Tuesday. When Charlotte turned two she was excited for days about her party. Elsie didn't even have a clue that hers was coming!

Because of our camera fiasco, this is the only picture I have of Elsie on her actual birthday. I woke her up to try to go potty before I went to bed and she was mad.

Charlotte and Elsie got a baking kit for Christmas from Grandma Jodi that we had to try out for the event.

Here is the happy birthday girl

look at those curls!!

Desi and I with our new haircuts! (Someday I will get a picture of the back of my hair, it's quite a bit shorter. I'm not sure how I feel about it.)

El was not very excited about her candles, she just wanted to eat the cupcakes. She would have done a good job blowing them out, (if only they hadn't been trick candles!)

After all the singing was done I caught Elsie sitting at the table singing to herself "Happy to you" and then blowing on the cupcakes . A video camera would have been handy, but of course she was done before I could get it.

Notice the wardrobe change? Potty training is going great but unfortunately she forgot to pick up her dress before she sat down that time!

I think she had a great day!


Brittany said...

It looks like she had a fun day and she looks so cute. I do hope the trick candles were an accident for the poor baby though.

LoRen said...

elsie looks so happy she could cry in the one where she's smiling :)