Thursday, March 18, 2010

New gate in progress

While I was busy painting, Nick tackled another project.



I searched really hard to find a picture of the old gate, but there isn't one.

So just imagine really ugly, and hard to open.

Nick isn't quite finished yet so I will wait to post any more pictures, but it is really looking good and I can't wait for it to be done. It is greatly improving our curb appeal!

You can also see the cute brick pathway he laid a few months ago using old brick from a weird well that was in our front lawn (again, sadly no pictures)



And what were our children doing while we were painting and building gates?

Well, I'm not quite sure...............but from this picture it looks like they were running around in their pajamas all day with only one shoe on

But don't worry, we still have all four so they must have been alright


Anonymous said...

She appears to only have one shoe. However it is her usual mismatched shoe combination.

Marci said...

Your comment about your kiddos made me laugh :-). I'm glad they are still there and your projects are coming along so well. You guys are amazing!