Monday, January 21, 2008

The happy couple

Charlotte desperately wants to marry Aaron and tells him two or three times a day. He used to want to marry her too before I made the mistake of telling them that it was illegal. It didn't deter Charlotte but Aaron asked me "Mommy, if I marry Charlotte, will I go to jail?" and since then has decided that he should marry Jasmine in his preschool class. Well this broke Charlotte's heart. I try telling him that when she grows up she won't still want to marry him so it's OK to say that he will, but he usually doesn't play along.
Today Charlotte once again said, in a sad tone, "Aaron I really really want to marry you" He started to say "No" and I shot him a look. So he changed his mind and said "OK, you can marry me because when we grow up we will just break-up."
I'm not really sure where he heard the term "break-up" and a little disturbed by his thought that when you are married you can simply "break-up" but it pleased Charlotte so I let it be.


Let the Good Times Roll said...

That is so funny! What cute kids you have. I LOVE the pic on the top of your blog in their matching PJ's. Adorable!