I just realized that this new baby hasn't received much publicity. I guess it's because I don't really like people asking me too many questions about being pregnant, especially as I near the end. I can't say why that is, but for some reason I just don't want to talk about it. I think really I just don't like telling people over and over again "No, I still haven't had the baby." But I am beginning to feel like I am leaving this baby out. I do have some ultra sound pictures but we have a new scanner that I can't figure it out and Nick isn't home so this picture of the both of us will have to do. As you can see the baby is growing nicely. I measured 30cm at my last appointment and I am 30 weeks pregnant so that's perfect. Everything is normal and looks great. My due date is October 31 so I only have about 2 more months before she is here. We do have a name picked out, but again for an unknown reason I don't feel like posting it here. Besides we may change our mind. We have never really been 100% sure until the baby is born.
I reached my all time high weight last month and was quite unhappy about it, but haven't gained any more since then. However I know that I will inevitably cross over into that uncharted territory on the scale. I have (since last month) been very conscious of what I eat and it has paid off (for all you worried people,the baby is still growing, just not me!!) I went with Nick to the gym once and rode a bike for 45 minutes. But even with the resistance set to zero I still had mild contractions the whole time. I figured I shouldn't be doing that right now. I hope anyone interested won't be scared to ask me pregnancy questions now. Ask away, I promise I won't get mad. Just don't call me the week before I'm due and ask if I've had her yet!:)
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Pregnancy post
Posted by
michele cabiness
10:23 AM
Monday, August 25, 2008
Aaron can READ!!

Posted by
michele cabiness
12:44 PM
Charlotte also started pre-school this morning and they were both so excited. We picked out their clothes last night and they woke us up at 6:30 this morning fully ready asking if it was time to go. Charlotte was all smiles and couldn't have cared less when it was time

We had to call her back over to say goodbye.

I can't wait to pick them up and find out how their first day was!
Posted by
michele cabiness
10:05 AM
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Men in Woods II
I just read Preston's blog about a backpacking trip all the guys went on a few weeks ago. I must admit that when ever Nick goes off and does these sort of things it is bittersweet for me. I definitely do want Nick to be able to do the things he enjoys, especially when he works so many more hours a week than the average 40, many of which are without pay. I completely appreciate all that he does for our family so that I can stay home and have all these kids. Especially since he comes from a family of working women and initially he expected that I would go to work too. He really deserves and needs a break sometimes. Now comes the bitter part. I really look forward to the weekends for so many reasons. I do enjoy the extra hand with the kids but mostly I just enjoy his company. An average week day for Nick consists of him leaving the house at 6:45 to be at work by 7am, and then him stumbling home somewhere between 6(on a good day) and 7:30pm. Not to mention the occasional night flights which sometimes brings him home as late as 1 or 2am. (I should stop here and say that we are very grateful for his job and we have decided to stay here for now because this will actually keep him home more often than most beginning pilot jobs, these are just the hoops we have to jump through until he has more hours.) So, needless to say I miss him when he is not around. I look forward all week to spending time with him on the weekend and then I am disappointed if he's not here.
Last weekend he asked me if he could go backpacking over labor day weekend for 3 nights. I didn't say anything but the look on my face must not have been very nice because he immediately started defending himself. I did NOT want him to go. Especially on a holiday, isn't that supposed to be family time? And the fact that I will be 31 weeks pregnant and am soooo tired didn't help his side either. I was really hoping that all of the other wives would protest so I wouldn't be the bad guy, but that doesn't seem to be happening.
Then today when I was reading Preston's blog about their last trip I had a change of heart. How can I look at these pictures and want to deprive him of that. Yes I wish I was able to go with him, but I can't, and I am certainly not going to ask him to stay home. So Preston, thank you for opening my eyes to the importance of guy time. Nick owes you one!!
Posted by
michele cabiness
1:39 PM
Saturday, August 16, 2008
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Wipe Out
Posted by
michele cabiness
10:55 AM
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Bows galore

Posted by
michele cabiness
10:03 PM
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
....because I look so cute
I saw these questions somewhere and I had to ask my kids too. I asked them each separately so they weren't influenced by each other
1. What is something mom always says to you?
Charlotte: I love you
Aaron: popcorn (no idea)
2. What makes mom happy?
Charlotte: finding something you like
Aaron: cleaning up my room and doing the dishes for you.
3. What makes mom sad?
Charlotte: when I do something bad
Aaron: When I say stupid
4. How does mom make you laugh?
Charlotte: by funny jokes
Aaron: by doing silly silly silly jokes
5. What was mom like as a child?
Charlotte: you liked coloring and reading books and playing with your brothers toys
Aaron: I think you looked like Cece.
6. How old is your mom?
Charlotte: I forgot
Aaron: 18
7. How tall is your mom?
Charlotte: really tall
Aaron: 80
8. What is her favorite thing to do?
Charlotte: go to chuckee cheese.....can we go there tonight?
Aaron: take us to the park
Charlotte: you clean the dishes and do stuff that you want to do
Aaron: pray
10. If your mom becomes famous, what will it be for?
Charlotte: i dont know
Aaron: what does famous mean?
11. What is your mom really good at?
Charlotte: doing dishes
Aaron: washing the dishes
12. What is your mom not very good at?
Charlotte: not doing dishes
Aaron: laundry
(this is interesting to me because the kids always have clean clothes to wear, however there are always dirty dishes in my sink)
13. What does your mom do for her job?
Charlotte: watch us
Aaron: watching out for us
14. What is your mom's favorite food?
Charlotte: macaroni and cheese
Aaron: macaroni and cheese
(I really am not a big fan)
15. What makes you proud of your mom?
Charlotte: going to the cannery and the park and the zoo
Aaron: making stuff for me quick
16. If your mom were a cartoon character, who would she be?
Charlotte: a drawing
Aaron: Michele
17. What do you and your mom do together?
Charlotte: we do fun stuff and play games
Aaron: we eat ice cream and watch a movie
18. How are you and your mom the same?
Charlotte: we have the same hair and the same skin
Aaron: we both like watching TV and eating ice cream together
19. How are you and your mom different?
Charlotte: we don't have the same skin and don't have the same hair
Aaron: you have spots on your face and I don't (I'm hoping he meant my freckles)
20. How do you know your mom loves you?
Charlotte: because you love me very much.
Aaron: because I look so cute.
Posted by
michele cabiness
12:54 PM
Friday, August 1, 2008
Quote of the Day
"Why is frosting real?"
Posted by
michele cabiness
11:21 PM