Friday, June 11, 2010

End of the Year Party


Aaron's teacher invited the parents to a party on the last day of school.


First the kids sang a couple of songs for us, and then Mrs. Lee showed a 20 minute slide show that she had made of the whole year. It was very cute, and I was in a lot of the pictures too!




(the classroom looks very bare being the last day of school, but it is usually full of color)


Aaron and Charlotte are going to a different school next year, a school that we are all thrilled about. This will be Aaron's third school in three years. He also went to two different preschools... he adapts to change very well by now. However, I have no plans of changing schools again. So, unless we move out of Fresno, this will be his final school. He can't wait for next year to start. He never really liked his current school... he isn't allowed to play tag at recess and they can't talk during lunch. I have to admit, that Principle did have some strange rules. Saying goodbye was easy, but we will really miss Mrs. Lee.


Marci said...

I'm glad you made a comment about the bare walls because it was one of the first things I noticed and I thought it seemed so sad for a little kid's classroom. I'm excited for you guys to be in the school you want!!!

Diane said...

This brings back the memories of how WONDERFUL it felt on the last day of school, with a whole summer ahead!