Friday, June 25, 2010

Our summer, so far

I found out that if I do some sort of outside-of-the-house activity with the kids in the morning, then the afternoon is much more pleasant in our home. Luckily in the summer there are lots of free activities for kids. We have been going to free movies, and taking advantage of all the fun library activities. We've seen magic shows, reptile shows, done LOTS of swimming and even played in the park on the 'not so hot' days.

I have unfortunately been leaving my camera at home. I really do love our camera, but I also miss the convenience of a small camera that I can just keep in my purse.

We have also been attempting to retain what we have learned all through the school year! Most days we have "homework time" while Lila and Jon are taking their naps. This is Charlotte's favorite part of the day and Aaron's least favorite.

My Aunt is a school teacher and has given me lots of workbooks throughout the years, which makes my job that much easier!






Aren't they cute?


Diane said...

such a smart mommy:)

LaRee said...

I'm surprised you're blogging while camping...Cute post!

Anonymous said...

Great job, Michelle.
Aaron may not be thrilled to do the extra school work right now, but he will appreciate that he does not need to review reading and math when school rolls around in two months.
Aunt Tree

Grama Peechee said...

Aaron takes after his mommy who also used to bemoan the summer "homework" time :)