Monday, August 16, 2010

First Day of School

My kids have been counting the weeks and days until school starts since school got out in June. Especially Charlotte, but Aaron was excited to start a new school too. I asked them last night if they were a little bit nervous and they both said 'not at all!' Then I told them that I didn't cry on my first day of kindergarten, but I did cry every day after that. Then they laughed at me.


I am excited to see how Charlotte does in school this year. Her birthday is one day past the cut-off to start school so even though she knew everything she needed to know and more, we had to wait to start school. I was honestly glad that the decision was made for me, it would have been a hard one to make. This past year she has progressed quite a bit and already knows all of the Kindergarten sight words, and can read lots of books... even ones she hasn't seen before. She knows all her shapes, colors and numbers too. She hasn't really learned much math, but I know she will pick it up quickly. This girl is a motivated learner. I can't take any credit for it. She taught herself to read by watching Aaron and asking me questions.

Aaron just looks so big I can't believe it. He is so confidant (MUCH more than I was at 7... or 17 for that matter) He has always been a leader in his class and even though he hates to do homework, he is a smart boy and he does really well in school. He also started piano lesson over the summer and I can't believe how quickly he picked it up. Again, he doesn't love to practice but it is fun to hear him play and see him be proud of himself when he learns a new song.

and then of course these little cuties wanted to take pictures too... how could I refuse?




I just have to say, this is the cutest bunch of kids I have ever seen.

Aaron was all smiles as we walked up to the school. But then we passed a big group of Jr. High kids and you could tell that he started to get nervous. Suddenly his hand was no longer holding mine. I walked him to the spot where his teacher would pick the class up and waited with him until she got there. He did not want me to leave until she did, but he also didn't want me to embarrass him be taking tons of pictures. I obliged and only took these two. I sure wasn't going to get any smiles though!


Luckily Charlotte was happy to smile for me!




We walked with her into the cafeteria to make sure all was well (and mostly to get a few more pictures) before heading back to the car. She wasn't sad to see my go at all and was already making friends with the cute little girl (also named Charlotte) sitting right next to her.
I can't wait to pick them up and hear all about their first day!


Brittany said...

I can't believe they're already starting school! In CA we always started the day after Labor Day. And yes they are a very adorable bunch :-)

Diane said...

I have to agree with you about them being a cute bunch! and they are looking sooo grown up! Email me that yummy strawberry creme cheese recipe paleeeeez:)

LaRee said...

They look so cute in their new school the pics of the "adorable bunch"!

Grama Peechee said...

I'd forgotten that you didn't cry the first day of school - my memories are so filled with you crying all the rest of the time. Don't worry about Aaron not smiling; he's just being a cool kid.

Marci said...

They are both so cute! I love Charlotte just beaming away so excited about everything on her first day! This is our last week before school starts.