Thursday, August 5, 2010

The Perks!

Nick has been flying charter for a couple of years now, but he is currently the only charter pilot in rotation at his school. This means that he gets all of the flights... and is gone a lot more often. He is usually only gone for a day, or overnight. Last week he was going to be gone for two nights in Vegas. He is friendly with the passenger he was taking and we kind of threw the idea of me going along too, but I was hesitant. Finding a sitter, someone to watch Johnny, grocery shopping... I wasn't sure it was worth the effort.

The night before he left, I went to bed very irritated at Nick. More irritated than I have been in a very long time. He was playing video games at Dave's house and I sent him a very irritated text. He didn't even get the hint to come home! I fell asleep angry. The problem with falling asleep angry is that you usually wake up angry.

The next morning as I was saying my prayers and asking for help letting go of my anger, my answer came to go with him to Vegas. I knew for certain that it was an answer to prayer because I didn't even feel slightly nervous about flying in a tini-tiny airplane or leaving my kids behind.

I only had three hours to plan, but it all worked out! Ali was willing to babysit (THANKS ALI!!!!) and after a quick trip to Target I was ready to go! And guess what? By the time I got to the airport I felt nothing but excitement about having my husband all to myself for two whole days! Worked like a charm :)!


Our cozy little ride



The picture doesn't capture it very well, but I LOVE how the mountains just suddenly turn into developed land.





Our hotel room in New York New York



The first night we met up with Nick's Uncle Jerry and Aunt Cindy. We see them so rarely, it was fun to catch up.

Nick's hotel and food is paid for when he is on Charter flights, so all we paid for was some food for me, and a few souvenirs for the kids!

We had a great time being alone, eating every meal out, having no responsibilities... We even closed the curtains in the hotel room and slept in until 8:30!! (2 1/2 hours later than usual) It was perfect.





But all good things must come to an end. (He is pretty cute in his uniform isn't he) I was ready to see my kids by then too



Marci said...

I'm so glad you got to get away with your hubby! There is nothing like a little break from your kids and quality time alone to help you appreciate your family more!

Diane said...

I am just so happy you two got such a fun getaway! I am all smiles about it:) I remember how WONDERFUL it was to get an overnight date when the kids were young. It refreshes your relationship and it always surprised me how much I missed the children and was ready to go back and be mom again. and Nick makes a very cute pilot, I am sure you enjoyed that part of it :)

Chrissy said...

Man, that IS perk! How nice!!

Let the Good Times Roll said...

That's awesome, I am so happy that you got to go with him, what a fun little getaway!

Jessica Havican said...

Glad you got a get away with your husband. And what a great example of using prayer in your marriage. I forget to do that sometimes when I am angry with my husband. Thanks for the reminder. ;-)