Saturday, February 21, 2009

I miss my babies!!

My Aunt Tree offered to let my three older kids spend the night last night. Nick and I enjoyed the night alone (almost). We really lived it up...... Subway for Dinner....Home Depot.....then the grocery store!!!

After our wild night on the town we went home where Nick made a beautiful fire while I made popcorn and chocolate milkshakes!

Then at 10:30 I started missing my kids.

I couldn't help myself and I had to send Tree an email letting her know that if Elsie woke up at any hour and wanted me I would gladly come and pick her up!

She didn't call.

This morning I woke up and found this in my inbox.

I went and made pancakes for Nick an I (I have tons of leftover batter) and then Nick left for LA to buy a new engine for Maggie. I just laid Lila down for a nap and now I am ALL ALONE!!

Quite often during the day I wish I could be alone for just a couple of hours so that I could get something done with out Elsie tearing the house apart. But now that I have it, I miss them all.

They will be home in a couple of hours so I guess I should get up and clean this house so I can enjoy it before Elsie trashes it once again with play food and baby dolls.


life at mono lake said...

what a beautiful post. i guess it is true what they careful what you wish for. i know i always crave some alone time and then when i am out of my routine i miss paul so much. i can only imagine how empty it must feel without the entire brood around. i am glad you and nick had some alone time and i am glad that tree had some alone time with the kids. they look like they were having fun.

Marci said...

I know exactly what you mean :-). I'm glad you had a night off looks like they had a good time!

Erica said...

I want to move to Fresno so I can have more kids, and Aunt Tree can have sleep overs with them. Isn't it amazing what a luxury cleaning the house in peace can be?

Megan said...

I am the same way! I swear I have anxiety the whole time my kids are away from me. Then about 30 minutes after they are home...I wonder what I was missing! LOL