Usually when ever I finish a sewing project I put my machine away for at least a few weeks before I am ready to start another, but recently all I want to do is sew. The day after I finished the shirred top I saw this and wanted to try my own version of it.
This was the first sewing project I have ever done without using a pattern! It did take me a few hours but I love it and it fits Charlotte and Elsie. I didn't take a picture of the back but the ruffle goes all the way around and I used a single button at the top to fasten it so it hangs slightly open in the back. Perfect for the 100+ weather we were having last week!
The skirt I made a few months ago from a pink fig pattern with fabric I found at walmart for $3 something a yard.
Monday, May 25, 2009
sewing bug
Posted by
michele cabiness
9:47 PM
Tuesday, May 19, 2009

When I got into my sewing drawer last night it caught my eye. I knew I wouldn't be devastated if I ruined my cheap fabric so I gave it a shot. Well, it turns out it was much easier than I thought!

I am super happy with the way it turned out.
Posted by
michele cabiness
9:59 AM
Monday, May 18, 2009
Girls room

This is a semi clean shot of the girls room. All of the pictures I have are of the same side of the room. I'll post more angles when the room is finished but for now here is a good idea of their bedroom. At first we had all 3 girls in here but it was just way too cramped, even with the two closets. So, sadly...our sewing room/office became a nursery.

The pink curatins that are hanging in these pictures have been taken down and are being replaced with white ruffley(sp?) ones. I also want to make some better curtain rods and replace the windows (someday).
Still left on the agenda: New base boards, chair rail, and crown moulding. Bed skirts. Head boards ( I really want to make matching white fabric headboards but I KNOW that they would only stay white for about 2 days. Any suggestions?) I am also realizing that I still need to hang pictures in here (the whole house really) I am thinking about attempting some silhouettes to hang above each of their beds.
Posted by
michele cabiness
1:04 PM
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Let Me Indulge!!
Ice Cream is a major love in my life. I love all desserts..... but I can never get my fill of ice cream. In High School I worked at Baskin Robbins during my senior year. I didn't tire of it then, in fact it probably fueled my love for the stuff. Not a shift went by when I didn't cash in on my free Jr scoop. I try not to buy it, but Nick often asks for it. I can usually guarantee that I alone will eat at least half of the container. Rocky Road is hardest for me to stay away from and Nick doesn't like it, so I can be sure that if I buy it I will be consuming about 100,000 extra calories in the next few days. Try as I may I just can't resist the temptation.
I am very health conscious when it comes to my children. The first sugar I gave Aaron was his first birthday cake. (Even though I am well aware that many others gave him some when ever they got the chance!) Each child has been given sweets sooner and sooner (Lila had whipped cream last week....but it was homemade so that makes it alright, doesn't it?) but I don't give them desserts on a regular basis. My girls especially don't eat much as it is and I don't want to waste what little appetite they have on sugar. They need vegetables and fruits and protein and whole grains, and definitely no preservatives........
so it really isn't that bad that I just sent them all to their room for a 30 min "rest" so that I could indulge in a rather large bowl of peanut butter chocolate, delicious, cold and refreshing ice cream?
Posted by
michele cabiness
1:13 PM
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Monday, May 4, 2009
Fancy Hats
The Hat Parade ended up being adorable. Some of the boys hats were very creative but the girls were the best. The were all southern belle style hats decorated with flowers and tulle. It made me sad that Charlotte won't be going to kindergarten at that school. I would have had lots of fun decorating a hat with her. We may just have to do it any way for fun!

The children walked ot in groups of two, a girl on each boys arm. Then they bowed and curtsied before walking off stage. It was too cute.

Posted by
michele cabiness
2:30 PM