Thursday, May 14, 2009

Let Me Indulge!!


Ice Cream is a major love in my life. I love all desserts..... but I can never get my fill of ice cream. In High School I worked at Baskin Robbins during my senior year. I didn't tire of it then, in fact it probably fueled my love for the stuff. Not a shift went by when I didn't cash in on my free Jr scoop. I try not to buy it, but Nick often asks for it. I can usually guarantee that I alone will eat at least half of the container. Rocky Road is hardest for me to stay away from and Nick doesn't like it, so I can be sure that if I buy it I will be consuming about 100,000 extra calories in the next few days. Try as I may I just can't resist the temptation.

I am very health conscious when it comes to my children. The first sugar I gave Aaron was his first birthday cake. (Even though I am well aware that many others gave him some when ever they got the chance!) Each child has been given sweets sooner and sooner (Lila had whipped cream last week....but it was homemade so that makes it alright, doesn't it?) but I don't give them desserts on a regular basis. My girls especially don't eat much as it is and I don't want to waste what little appetite they have on sugar. They need vegetables and fruits and protein and whole grains, and definitely no preservatives........

so it really isn't that bad that I just sent them all to their room for a 30 min "rest" so that I could indulge in a rather large bowl of peanut butter chocolate, delicious, cold and refreshing ice cream?



Erica said...

I remember working at Baskin Robbins too..having ice cream even on my days off. I bet you were in a great mood when the kids were done "resting" they benefit too!

LaRee said...

Looks delicious!...I say forget the calories, you need the fortification. Yum!

LoRen said...

yummm. also, my word verification is "fries"

Grama Peechee said...

You know, Rocky Road is my favorite also, but that picture of Peanut Butter Chocolate could make me change my allegiance. And speaking of "fries"... warm fries, dipped in ice cream can be delicious too :)

life at mono lake said...

can i have a bite?

Brittany said...

Sounds like you're doing great monitoring your kids' diets, and I don't see anything wrong with your personal indulgence! I am the same, I love and promote whole grains and live foods but I have quite the sweet tooth also.

Jessica Havican said...


Yasmine said...

Did you HAVE to show that picture of it? Now I want some. You're evil.