Tuesday, May 19, 2009


Last night at 9:00 I decided to sew. I pulled out some fabric that I found for a $1 a yard and a pattern for a cute little top that I bought months ago. The main reason I haven't used this pattern yet is because it requires shirring...something I had never done before. It looked hard, and even though I already bought the elastic thread, it just sat waiting for me to try.


When I got into my sewing drawer last night it caught my eye. I knew I wouldn't be devastated if I ruined my cheap fabric so I gave it a shot. Well, it turns out it was much easier than I thought!


I am super happy with the way it turned out.
(but not so super happy about our weeds)


Marci said...

It's so cute! You are such a pro!

Anonymous said...

i never knew it was called that.
grandma would be proud of you.

Erica said...

Super cute!! I have two large boxes of intimidating projects like that. Now you have given me the inspiration to just do it!

Grama Peechee said...

I'm so proud of you! It even looks cuter in person... now if we can just teach Desi to sew.

Brittany said...

The shirt looks great! And I didn't even notice the weeds on my own.