I'll just say that I liked the old one better.
Aaron still likes it though so I guess that's all that matters.

Posted by
michele cabiness
9:46 AM
Posted by
michele cabiness
9:33 AM
There are times when I feel like my children have a monster for a mother.
I've been having those feelings a lot lately
then I spy them being so sweet to eachother in moments like this and am instantly filled with guilt
and a determination
to be a better mother.
Posted by
michele cabiness
10:00 PM
My little brother has gone away to school. The first one to leave us. We had this party on a Monday. The Monday before he was attending the community college here in town, no idea that he would be moving across the country in just 10 days.
We still don't know how they got ahold of his name, but Southern Virginia University tracked Nick down and offered him a scholarship. How could he refuse.
(I'm sure it helped that his girlfriend is attending a school just 7 miles away)
We had a last minute going away party for him at our house 2 days before he left.
(so glad to report that the teal is officially GONE)
(can you see the new wall color that is on half of the wall?)
Nick's friends brought him a Snuggie and took the time to personalize the gift. So thoughtful.
The next day Nick got a manditory hair cut and we had dinner with just the immediate fam one last time.
Quite a difference.
This is the last picture I took of my brother. We went to say goodbye before they left.
See you at Christmas.
Posted by
michele cabiness
9:46 PM
Posted by
michele cabiness
9:38 PM
The Christmas bug bit my in July this year. A bit earlier than normal. I think it was the week of cooler weather we had, or maybe being excited to decorate a new house, but what ever the reason I have been planning Christmas presents for a while now. I started an advent calendar quilt that I am in love with and I even pulled out Lila's stocking that I started too late to finish by Christmas last year.
I'm not sure what happened. I used the same pattern but Lila's is so much bigger than Elsie's. I did add 4 extra stripes because it was a little hard to stuff all of the goodies in Elsie's stocking last Christmas, but the feet of the stockings aren't even the same size. The heels are completely different, but now I know that I did the first one wrong, though I kind of like it better. Maybe the purple yarn was bigger than the pink and green.
Either way I like them both and already have yarn ready to go for Charlotte's.
Nick's birthday is very soon and his starts off the birthday line up.
The fair is coming soon.
Halloween costumes are being planned out.
Oh, I love this time of year
Posted by
michele cabiness
9:26 PM
Last week I was lying in bed one morning The kids filtered in and out while getting ready for the day. Amid all the chatter I heard "I got all my panties! That's cool!"
A few minutes later I was coerced out of bed to make breakfast and I found Elsie running in to show off her hard work.
and work hard she did.
those are 13 pairs of panties you are looking at. All layered up on her tiny little bottom.
I can just picture her with this grand idea in her head. Sitting down to slip them over her feet, then standing to pull then up.........over......and over......and over again.
we laughed for hours.
Posted by
michele cabiness
10:11 PM