Saturday, September 12, 2009


There are times when I feel like my children have a monster for a mother.

I've been having those feelings a lot lately

then I spy them being so sweet to eachother in moments like this and am instantly filled with guilt

and a determination

to be a better mother.





Diane said...

Nice job capturing how we all feel from time to time...they look so precious together on that cute bedspread.

Marci said...

I think we all feel that way sometimes! I really wish we lived guys don't want to join the Texas crew?! :-)

LaRee said...

Cuteness Prevails!!

Grama Peechee said...

Sorry Marci, I just can't let Michele and the family move that far away. And Michele, sometimes Moms have to be the monster... how else do our kids know how much we love them?

Tree said...

Laying on your bed with your sister while reading a book with a smile on your face.....sounds like the best day ever!