Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Wyatt Thomas Yuan

I have a lot to post about the rest of our Disneyland trip, but haven't had the heart.

Last week my sweet cousin Brittany and her husband Ili lost their 10 day old baby boy, Wyatt Thomas Yuan.

It is amazing how the loss of a loved one, even one you haven't met, can affect you so greatly. I spent most of the day close to tears, if not crying, for their loss. Every mothers worst nightmare... only it wasn't a nightmare, and when something so awful happens to someone you love you can think of little else.

Wyatt's funeral was yesterday. They aren't living in town but they wanted to bury him by our Grandpa, Thomas Freeman. I can't tell you how amazed I am at their strength. They both spoke at the funeral... it was heart wrenching and comforting at the same time.

I know with all my heart that we have a Father in Heaven who loves us. He watches out for us and protects us. He comforts us in difficult times and blesses us in times of need.

I know that if we follow our saviors example we will return him and live with him again.

I am so grateful for my knowledge of the plan of salvation. I am grateful for the temple. I am especially grateful that I have been sealed to my husband and children, and for the knowledge that they are mine not only in this life, but forever.


LaRee said...

I too was amazed to see Brittany and Ili speak at Wyatt's was sad and comforting. We can all find comfort in the gosple plan knowing that someday they will be with him again.

Brittany said...

I realize this was posted a while ago, but I wanted to thank you for it. Not only am I grateful for the Plan of Salvation, but it is what is allowing me comfort in this otherwise tragic time. It was nice to see you in Fresno. Hopefully next time we get together it won't be for another funeral!!!