Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Sunday Dinners

When I was pregnant with Lila my Dad decided that we should have a break the fast meal every fast Sunday. He was still living at the house on Dayton at the time and had a beautiful backyard so all of our meals were eaten out there in the shade. It was fun and I always looked forward to fast Sunday.

Then earlier this year my dad moved into the same ward as Grandma, LaRee and our family. I'm not sure how it happened, but after (or sometimes during) Sacrament meeting we would all get talking about dinner and our break the fast dinners turned into an every Sunday thing.

We all take turns hosting and bringing different dishes and no one has to cook the whole meal. We usually have warm french bread and always dessert! Most often we don't even plan the menu until we are at church, but it always comes together and it is delicious every week!







Marci said...

Family dinners are the best, especially on Sundays. It's so fun that you guys have everyone so close together!

Diane said...

I absolutely love it that you guys do that! wish I was there :)