Saturday, December 20, 2008

bye bye baby teeth

Here is the big 6 year old with his first lost tooth!!

You can see that the other one is loose too (it fell out the next night)
You can also see the new ones growing in. It looked kind of freakish in there for a while!

I had never mentioned the tooth fairy before but he told me all about her. He must have learned at school. Apparently he didn't get the whole story though because he thought she might leave a video game for him. He was a little disappointed by the dollar she left under the pillow.

I explained that she left everyone money and he felt a little better.


life at mono lake said...

i remember when i was going to lose my first tooth i was very protective about it. i wouldnt let anyone touch it. then, one of my brothers or sisters, i dont remember whom exactly, said 'okay you touch it' and then they pushed my elbow and it came out. i guess they were tired of me wiggling it for days on end. then i got this big bucket, because i thought it was going to bleed.
i think that the tooth fairy left a quarter when we were little, of course, that was 40 years ago. i am glad to see that the price per tooth has increased.
congrats. he is no longer a baby (awe!!)
aunt mona

Yasmine said...

Thanks for not giving him a video game. It would have set the standard too high for us other moms!
I can't believe you have 4 kids. It's unreal!

Grama Peechee said...

That's my boy! Ask for the moon cause you never know... :) At least he doesn't have a cruel older brother telling him that if he touches his gums before the other tooth grows in it will grow in black. Uncle Mike was so mean.

Marci said...

Here is the website where I found the code for side by side pictures...