Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry Christmas

Did Santa visit you?

He sure did visit us!

I was awakened by Aaron at 4:30am! but not to open presents, just to inform me that Elsie had thrown up in her crib. He promptly went back to bed!!
After putting her in a bath, starting the laundry, switching her to our bathroom for a clean bath after she threw up again, cleaning the kids bathtub, feeding Lila and changing the crib sheets,
it was 6am and Charlotte was awake and ready to see what Santa left her.
Aaron was harder to wake up than I expected, but after about a minute he was ready to go get his loot!

Santa left the girls a shiny new kitchen!!

and Aaron, some Star Wars transformers!!!

Elsie was very into the candy, she spent most of the morning crying because I was taking it away from her....surprisingly she never threw up again!

It took them at least a half hour to remember that there were other presents under the tree, but when they did our house quickly became toy central!

Elsie was in desperate need of a nap and so was I!!

I threw her in her crib and went to take a nice long nap!

After I recovered we went to Grandma's house for a delicious Christmas dinner. Poor Ali had to go to the hospital for swollen tonsils and had to miss out.

These two took their naps on grandmas carpet right in the middle of the floor.

I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas

We sure did!


Brittany said...

wow I can't believe how early and productive your Christmas morning started! I love the picture of the sleepy heads on grandma's carpet-is that Aaron and Charlotte?