Saturday, October 1, 2011


I have been mentally planning a kitchen face-lift since the moment I walked into our kitchen almost 3 years ago. Our latest debate was whether or not to strip the cabinets before painting them, Nick leaning more towards stripping, and me wanting nothing to do with stripping! In between Saturday conference sessions we ended up going to Lowe's to buy a can of primer "Just to try it out" to help us make a decision. Well before we knew it, we were in the middle of a full kitchen renovation!

Nick didn't know what hit him.

Here is a good before shot of Nick stripping a few of the really nasty parts that needed more than a good cleaning. Our kitchen has looked like this since we moved in and surprisingly, this is much better than what we bought it like! (I just looked back through my past blog posts and couldn't find any of the kitchen when we moved in. I guess I never posted any. They are around here somewhere, maybe I will find them to post with the finished kitchen)


When we moved in I tried to peel out this probably 30 year old contact paper, but it was so hard to get out I just ended up laying more paper over the top. It took Nick and I both about half an hour just to finish this one shelf!


We lived like this for about 2 weeks... it was really fun.


Here they are almost all primed!!



Jessica Havican said...

Big project! Excited to see it when it's done!