Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Solvang and Avila

For some reason I really wanted to go to Solvang. I can't exactly say why.  So, even though Nick was less than enthusiastic about it, we went.

Turns out, Nick was right, not much to see there. ( I have since been told that it is fun to go during Christmas time or for their Danish festival) But it turned out that I was in fact being drawn there for 2 reasons!!

The first reason was for a cheese slicer. My friend MaryJane from high school introduced me to Havarti cheese (which is probably still my favorite) and her dad (who is from Denmark) had a really amazing cheese slicer that would slice really soft cheese into really thin slices. Ever since I have been married I have been looking for one like it. It never occurred to me that it might have been a special Danish cheese slicer! While we were there we walked into a gift shop and I over heard someone asking if they sold cheese slicers. The gift shop clerk asked if they wanted a regular one of the Danish one. I was so excited!! I immediately ran over and bought one!



And as if that wasn't enough (honestly, it had already made my day!) we also wandered into an amazing antique store, which we spent at least another hour in, and we started looking at rings. We really weren't planning on buying another wedding ring anytime soon, but I instantly fell in love with one. Luckily for me Nick liked it too and he bought it for me!!!

The picture below is horrible and you can't really see what it looks like ( I probably shouldn't even post it) But it is a 1920, white gold, Filigree, diamond ring and it is beautiful! If I ever figure out how to take a good picture of a ring, I will post it.


Nick really wanted to go to the beach and just relax for the rest of the trip, so that is just what we did. We ended up in Avila, which is a beach right by Pismo that I went to a bunch as a kid, and found a cute little hotel. My favorite part about the room was the fireplace, and at the coast it was actually cold enough to use it!


We both agreed that this was the best day of the trip. Next time we will just come here for a few days.










Above is the outside view of where we stayed.


It was nice having Nick all to myself. He took care of me very nicely!


We were both a bit sad to go home, but we had 4 kids and a kitchen renovation awaiting us!!!


Sarah Mejias said...

I think it would be fun to go there the 4 of us. Kidless!