Thursday, October 20, 2011

Goodbye Old Gross Linoleum

We wasted no time and began ripping out our old floor as soon as we got home. I was so happy to say good bye to it! 

Now that I am looking at it in this picture it doesn't look so bad. It had tons of deep scratches and the top coat had been worn away which made it attract dirt like crazy. I really didn't like having a white floor!


We debated just tiling over the linoleum, but decided against it and I'm glad we did because we found hard wood underneath our entryway, which had been covered over in linoleum. Not sure why they did that, but we are going to undo it!


Before long we realized that this was going to produce way more waste than we knew what to do with. We had to have a trash container delivered!


Here is the backer board beginning to be laid down!!
