Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Me, at 29


On the ninth of this month I turned 29.

It made me remember turning 19, and though in some ways it seems like forever ago, in others I can't believe it has been ten years.

I don't remember very many details relating to any specific year in my life up until my 19th year. It was a big year for me. I moved back home after living on my own for a year. I decided to make some major changes. I started going to church again. I met Nick during the last month of my 19th year.

On my 29th birthday I was awoken by the sounds and smells of a fire in the fireplace. A huge smile spread across my face. Soon after I was enjoying bacon, eggs, and orange juice, prepared by my wonderful husband and babies. Sadly, Nick had to spend the day on a charter flight and didn't get home till after 9, but I still enjoyed the day.
Ali spent the night to keep me company while Nick was away, and we met up with Desi for lunch. Then they took me to get my hair trimmed (two years overdue!)
Later, I picked my kids up from school, and took them to see Despicable Me in the theater. My kids were all being very good and sweet and whenever any of them would start to mis-behave the others would quickly remind them that it was my birthday.
After the movie Shalee invited us to come over for dinner. She even bought a cake and ice cream.

It was a perfect birthday. Lots of people helped me to feel happy and special. The next day my mom threw a little party for me. She made yummy tacos and even obliged my birthday wish of baked apples with ice cream!

Thank you every one. It was a prefect way to start the last year of my twenties.


life at mono lake said...

i love this post
you are so beautiful...