Monday, December 6, 2010

Tree Decorating Festivities

Another Holiday Tradition that I love... OK maybe I just love them all!

We decorated our tree a little late this year. It was already 6 days into December! We deprived ourselves of a whole week of Christmas decorations!

{I decided to go back to school this year (very slowly) and was taking a class this fall (yes, just one class at a time). But even just one class threw off my whole routine and Christmas kind of suffered from it. I didn't get to do as much as I usually like to, but I don't think the kids minded. No one even mentioned the gingerbread house we never made!}

Well, better late than never I suppose! We ate a candle lit dinner of broiled Salmon (caught by LoRen on an Alaskan fishing trip!), jasmine rice and broccoli. Oh, and of course Martinelli's.


Each child got to open up a new ornament as usual, but I didn't get a picture. Aaron got a robot, Charlotte got a cell phone (which she begged, and begged for after spying at Target), Elsie got a Snow White ornament and Lila got Dora (who she calls Ky-Ky. I think her ornament only spent about 20 minutes on the tree the whole month. I kept finding it all over the house!)

The girls were having fun going through all of the decorations until they found the nativity that Charlotte got last year for her birthday. They were no longer interested in anything else.


This left Aaron to do most of the ornament hanging. He was a trooper and didn't stop until all the ornaments were on the tree. He probably enjoyed being able to do it without little bodies getting in the way!


Below you can see our new piano, we bought it in November for the kids to learn on. It makes a nice addition to our living room.



Marci said...

Good for you going back to school! I can't imagine doing it with 4 little kids. What class did you take?

LaRee said...

The salmon looks yummy!...Aaron did a great job with the decorating!