Saturday, November 8, 2008

Bragging Rights

Apparently my sweet boy is also a sweet boy at school! He was awarded with Tiger of the month in his classroom on Thursday.
Here is the paragraph his teacher wrote about him.
This young man is an excellent model for the character Trait of responsibility. Aaron enters our classroom each morning eager to begin his day and to tackle the challenges that are presented to him. Each day, Aaron remembers to return his homework folder, envelopes and "Just for Tonight Books in a responsible manner. Aaron has many friends in class and demonstrates daily-how to be a responsible student and friend. K-2 is very proud of their Tiger of the Month. Keep up the great work!

Aaron and his principle Mrs. DiSanto

Aaron and his teacher Ms. Nabors


life at mono lake said...

he must be so pruod of himself. you know, lee vining has the tiger thing too. they are the lee vining tigers.

Marci said...

Congrats to Aaron :-)! That IS something to brag about! It must feel nice to know you're definitely doing something right :-)!

Grama Peechee said...

My favorite grandson continues to excel. And if he does wake up with zombie dreams at 2 am he can definitely call me.

Erica said...

Congratulations of raising a great kid! It must be such a great feeling to know that's who he is out in the world- bragging rights indeed!

Brittany said...

Oh tiger of the month. You and Aaron should definitely be proud!