Thursday, November 13, 2008

Pay it Forward

The day I came home from the hospital I found this cute little charm in the stack of mail. My sweet cousin Chrissy sent it to me.

I love it.
I can't decide if I should keep it for myself or put it on Charlotte's bracelet.

Would you like a fun little present too? Here's what you do.....

The PAY IT FORWARD exchange focuses on doing an act of kindness without expecting anything in return.The recipient will, in their turn, pass the kindness along and "pay it forward".Here are the rules:I agree to send along some goodies to the first three people who post a comment on this entry. In turn, those three people post this information and "Pay It Forward" to the first three people who comment on their post. You must promise to mention this on your blog, link to me, and send off your goods to those three people so that this continues. As soon as I have my three lucky bloggers, I will email you a request for your shipping address. Hmmm...what will will be coming your way? That's all part of the fun! :)


Jessica Havican said...

Happy Belated Birthday!!! I didn't know you were a November baby too! I hope it was fabulous. :-)

aLi said...

i love the idea of this

Grama Peechee said...

whoo hoo! I'm lucky number three!
Can't wait to "pay it forward", but I kind of wish it was anonymous (like paying the toll at the Oakland bridge for the car behind you)