Saturday, October 10, 2009

break time


In between sessions of general conference last Saturday Nick taught Charlotte to ride her bike! He tried a couple of weeks ago but she wasn't ready, so he raised her training wheels up and she has been learning to find her balance.


This time she picked it up very quickly and she was so proud. She always gets so excited to learn to do something that her big brother can too.


There is something about watching your child learn to ride a bike that makes a mother so proud.


LaRee said...

Way to go Charlotte!...she looks so proud of herself...thats a cool bike!

Jessica Havican said...

YAY Charlotte!!

The Cooking Schaack said...

Michelle I know I tell you this all the time but your kids need to be models for Gap they are so dang cute. I laughed so hard at the tooth fairy letter . I am going to have to use that one " Hit by a bird" I love it and it sure made me smile.

Brittany said...

What a productive break between conference! Yeah for Charlotte!