Thursday, October 22, 2009

this girl

A while ago a friend of mine was telling me about how her daughter was very particular about how she did her hair. She would have to do it over and over again to get it right. I remember thinking 1) I'm so glad Charlotte isn't high maintenence, and 2) Why in the world would she let her daughter demand that from her? (Sorry Kelli!)

Well, my time has come. Elsie came to me with a brush and hair ties and a clear vision of what she wanted. She tried telling me.........she tried showing me........but I couldn't figure it out.

Finally, after many tries, many frustrations, and many "no mama, like this!", I realized that she wanted her hair to fall in her face.


I was just so happy to have figured it out.





She even insisted on wearing her new do to soccer practice.


this girl......what am I going to do



Diane said...

that made me laugh out loud. funny hair do, funny little girl:)

Grama Peechee said...

Clearly you have no memory of yourself at 4 years old (and for the next several years until you did your hair yourself). No funny "do's" but it had to be perfect - or your version of it - or you would cry.

Marci said...

I wish she and Addie could play would hilarious to watch :-)!

LaRee said...

Sooo funny!...I agree with Marci, Addie and Elsie together would be funny to watch!

Jessica Havican said...

I laughed out loud too. Gotta love that girl!