Thursday, December 10, 2009



Our last full day on the cruise we docked in Ensenada. We were very tired after the long day in Catalina. Nick did get up to watch the sunrise again, but I slept in.


We woke up to this flag flying in the wind. We left the ship with our friends this time and went out to shop! There were lots of tour busses that would take us to la bufadora for about $20 a person, but we were with some fluent spanish speakers and somehow, someone found the courage to take all of us on the city bus, which was something like $4 a person.
It was definitely an experience.



The bus system is not much like one would be in the U.S. Busses stop where ever you tell them to, and if you don't tell them to stop, they will just take you to the bus station (which we learned the hard way, and by the way does NOT resemble any bus station I have ever seen). I wish I took a picture of one of the busses we were on. They looked like they were privately owned and not at all maintained. But all in all we were fortunate. The bus drivers did take us where we asked them to and we did not drive off the side of the cliff (even if there were a few close calls in my opinion) I will admit, I was nervous and did say a silent prayer or two asking for a safe return to our children.



Here we were waiting for our transfer bus to show up. We were kind of just dropped off on the side of the road by a parking lot. When a teal bus showed up I was hoping that this was the "green" bus they told us to take.
Luckily it was and we ended up here
just where we were headed


It is amazing to me how much natural beauty can be surrounded by filth. Ensenada is really a dirty place and by the time we finally made it down to la bufadora I guess I wasn't expecting much. I was suprised by it's beauty.









Over all it was a good day and it definitely made for some fun memories. We bought fun gifts for our kids, had tacos for lunch, then we were ready to head back to the boat. It was a little harder to get back when we weren't exactly sure where they dropped us off, but we found the boat! (Thank goodness for guys and their crazy good sense of direction)

There was supposed to be a dance party going on here, but we were the only ones there. I think the rest of the boat must have still been drinking in Mexico. We didn't stay long, but I did get some fun action shots.


Mexico at night......and one last cup of cocoa.



Diane said...

I can relate to all that you said on this one. We went to the Dominican Republic and it is at the same time the most beautiful and (in places) the poorest and dirtiest place I've been. I like shopping at the ports when on a cruise because you can haul as much as you want home, unlike a plane.