Thursday, October 2, 2008

36 weeks

I had my 36 week appointment (which means I have 4 weeks left) today. I was really hoping that the doctor would say that I was dilated to 3cm or more and that the baby would come any day, but no such luck. The good news is that the baby is in position and I am starting to thin! (sorry if you didn't want the details, my pregnancy posts will probably be full of them) This means that I can breathe again, though I still feel like I might faint if I stand for too long. We are going to the fair on Monday so we will have to see how that goes!


aLi said...

i hope you can enjoy the fair this year. your baby births always seem to interfere with highly anticipated events. the fresno fair, thanksgiving, dad's birthday...

also, i guess today it let me make a blog spot

Marci said...

Hooray for being almost there! Hang in there :-)!