Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Observations of a child

Tonight at dinner my son had some interesting thoughts on his mind.

A: I can't wait until I can have a girlfriend!

Me: Why?

A: Because they are so pretty.

Me: Yeah.......but they are expensive.

A: WHAT!? You actually have to buy them?

Me: (laughing) No, but they do want you to take them out to dinner and buy them presents and do nice things for them.

A: Yeah, and they are bossy. Just like Auntie Desi. She always bosses Drew around. Every time he goes to sit down and relax she says (and in his best Desi impersonation) "Drew, go get me a drink of water....or something like that"


Chrissy said...

haha... this is hilarious. Kids really do see/hear/know a LOT more than we tend to give them credit for!

Grama Peechee said...

I almost feel sorry for Dru, but he seems to enjoy abject slavery!

Diane said...

I loved this conversation.

Marci said...

Haha! Too cute!

LoRen said...

so funny. and true, haha.